What is and how to lie an NFT

What is and how to lie an NFT
What is and how to lie an NFT

Few days ago, Bill Gates, the famous Microsoft co-founder, expressed in a TechCrunch conference his negative view on NFTs. All this, in the midst of the bearish outlook for cryptocurrencies and the many cases of theft, scams and excessive depreciation of NFTs. Consequently, this news and others continue to keep everything related to NTFs at the top of the news.

For this reason, today we have decided to address in detail «what is and how to lie an NFT». In order to add more positive value to the topic on these. And given that, on other occasions, we have explained in detail, what are NFTs, we will not delve into this point in this current publication.

How to make your own NFT in less than 10 minutes
How to make your own NFT in less than 10 minutes

However, before continuing with the current topic on «What is and how to lie an NFT», we recommend some of our previous related posts with it, for later reading:

How to make your own NFT in less than 10 minutes
Related article:
How to make your own NFT in less than 10 minutes
How to sell your own NFT on specialized platforms
Related article:
How to sell your own NFT on specialized platforms

The basic guide

Basic guide to know what an NFT is and how to lie

What is and how to lie an NFT?

Surely many unaware of the Blockchain and DeFi field they will think the same Bill Gates. That is the value of NFTs and other digital assets are based on a 100% on the older fool theory. However, the truth is that there is a lot modern technology of high quality and safety, which adds a high intrinsic value to everything produced in it.

And that, not counting the enormous creativity and artistic expression that many put into every NFT created. Or, in each collection generated, for the enjoyment of many passionate about digital art.

For this reason, it is always important for those who work in this environment or want to start in it, to be clear about a lot of basic and fundamental theory, such as knowing qWhat is and how to lie an NFT.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

As we have stated in previous articles, NFTs can be simply described as, digital tokens or tokens within a chain of blocks (Blockchain), whose main characteristic is to be or serve as, digital certificates of non-duplicatable properties of a digital asset I specify any. Or in more technical words, they are a smart contract made with software to secure a digital asset.

And given his non-fungible nature, NFTs are designed not to be exchanged for exactly the same ones of the same type, since, there is only one of each. While, their digital nature within the Blockchains gives them certain facilities. Such as, being managed and marketed in a safe and verifiable manner, by all those who are involved in its possession.

lie an NFT

First of all, it is good to make it clear What does the word "mintear" mean?. By lying should be understood the same as coin or just create. Consequently, when we talk about lie an NFT, basically what is referred to is, to the creation of an NFT within a chain of blocks (blockchain). And not specifically, to the fact of generating the NFT itself, that is, to the digital asset as such.

For example, you can produce 1 or more quantities of digital assets, Such as figures of objects, animals or characters, and when these must be uploaded (embedded) to a particular blockchain, it is precisely to that loading and integration process which is known as lie.

Or in more technical words, we could say that, mintear refers to assigning a blockchain certificate to a digital asset. In addition, it is important to keep in mind that this process of creating and validating unique certificates for these digital assets within each Blockchain and DeFi platform will be different in each case, since each of these has its own protocols and procedures. individuals.

Or put another way, and in short, the process of loading or lying a certificate for each asset is different, and it depends directly on the blockchain used.

Marketplace NFT: Creation, purchase and sale of NFTs

Where to lie NFTs?

Finally, now that it is clear that the process of mining an NFT is different on each platform used, only need to know some of the best or most known NFT platforms. And start researching them, and their minting processes, to see which one best suits the needs of each NFT creator.

Above all, because in some cases, some NFT platforms have more specific aims or objectives. And some can be more simple or complex, or freeaffordable or expensive. Therefore, we recommend starting by exploring the following publications related to that point.

The best marketplaces for buying and selling NFT
Related article:
The best marketplaces for buying and selling NFT

Summary: Banner for Articles


In summary, we hope that this basic guide to know «what is and how to lie an NFT» constitute a small good first step to make it clear, what does it mean to lie an NFT. That is to say, the fact that lying means basically, the coin (create) the corresponding certificate of a digital asset any. In order to integrate it within a certain blockchain.

In such a way that each NFT has within it, a unique identity that allows it to be marketed and accumulate value. And so, they turn out to be really attractive for potential buyers, since they will be a real and safe investment, because these certificates cannot be stolen or compromised.

Categories NFT

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